Google Sheets Course: Introduction

Google Sheets is Google's online spreadsheet application, which is free to use but requires signing in with a Google account.

To avoid compatibility issues with your browser, it is recommended to use Google Chrome to access Google Sheets.

Accessing Google Sheets

To get started, go to the following page:

Enter your login information to sign in to your Google account:

google sign in start

If you don't have a Google account yet, click on "Create account" to create one for free.

Once signed in, you will be taken to the Google Sheets homepage:

google sheets homepage start

From this page, you can access your existing Google Sheets documents or create new ones.

Now, bookmark this page to easily find it later.

Creating Your First Google Sheets Document

Now that you are signed in, you can create your first Google Sheets document by clicking on the icon on the left:

google sheets create document start

You also have the option to choose from available templates later on, but for now, simply create a blank spreadsheet.