Data Anonymization for Google Sheets

To get help quickly on the forum, it's generally important to share a file with your request.

The utility available here allows you to convert the confidential data of a range of cells into anonymous data before sharing the document on the forum.

Anonymize Data in a Range of Cells

Here is an example of a table where the columns Last Name, First Name, and Company need to be anonymized:

google sheets table data anonymization

Select and copy the range of cells to be anonymized:

google sheets table selection data anonymization

Paste these data into the text area at the bottom of this page and click on the "Anonymize" button.

Then simply copy the new data:

textarea data anonymization

And paste them directly into your Google Sheets:

google sheets table anonymized data anonymization
The data here is anonymized using a random method (if you repeat the operation with the same data, you will notice that the result is different each time, so it is not possible to reverse the process and recover the original data).

Copy here the content to anonymize: