Google Sheets Course: Filter and Filter View


Adding a filter allows you to display data based on one or more criteria.

The test data: lesson-10b.xlsx

To add a filter, select the data range (here, columns A to G) and then click on "Create a filter" in the Data menu:

google sheets create filter png

Then click on to the right of each header to define the desired display criteria (here, display of people whose country is "United States"):

google sheets data filter png

Only data that meets the set criteria will then be displayed:

google sheets filtered data png filter

Filter view

Just like the filter, the filter view allows you to filter data, with a few differences...

The filter view allows other users who are viewing the sheet to be able to switch views to view the data differently (unlike the filter where the display is fixed for read-only users).

This mode also allows you to create multiple different views and name them so you can then display and leave these views very easily.

To create a filter view, click on "Filter views" > "Create new filter view" in the Data menu:

google sheets filtered view png filter

Then set up the display as for the filter:

google sheets data filtered view png filter

And name this view:

google sheets data filtered view name png filter

Now exit the filter view by clicking on "Filter views" > "None" in the Data menu:

google sheets data filtered view none png filter

Note that filter views are also accessible from the toolbar:

google sheets data filtered view funnel png filter

To display the filter view that you just created again, simply click on its name in the list of filter views:

google sheets filtered view country png filter

Then click on "None" to leave the view:

google sheets filter view united states png