Google Sheets Course: IF Function and Nesting

Cell References

Instead of trying to display "Yes" and "No" depending on the age as is the case on the previous page, it is also possible to display a value contained in a cell.

The goal is now to display a price depending on the age:

google sheets function price nested if

The texts "Yes" and "No" are therefore replaced by references to the prices:


Do not forget to add $ to the price references to prevent them from shifting when copying them:

google sheets if function price nested

The prices are correctly displayed after copying:

google sheets if function prices nested

Nesting a Function

In some cases, it will be necessary to nest several functions to achieve the desired result.

For example, if a third price is added:

google sheets function 3 prices nested if

In this case, if the person is 18 or older, 2 prices remain possible (adult and retired). A new IF condition must therefore be added to check if this person is retired or not and display the correct price.

To do this, instead of entering a reference to the adult price if the person is 18 or older, enter a new IF function:

google sheets if function nested

And complete this second IF function:

google sheets if function nested

This formula containing 2 functions now allows displaying the 3 prices:

google sheets if function nesting nested