Google Sheets Course: Sparkline Charts

A Sparkline chart is a mini chart inserted directly in a cell.

In Google Sheets, the Sparkline chart is available as a function.

Insert a Sparkline chart

To create a Sparkline chart, insert the SPARKLINE function and select the source data:

google sheets insertion chart sparkline

The chart is then inserted in the cell and gives you a visual preview of the different amounts to its left:

google sheets chart sparkline

Since it's a function, you can copy it:

google sheets chart sparkline copy

To get:

google sheets charts sparkline

Customize a Sparkline chart

To get a customized version of the Sparkline chart, you need to enter one or more parameters (separated by ;) between {} as the second argument.

For example:


The types of Sparkline charts

The curve chart (by default):

google sheets chart sparkline line

The stacked bar chart:

google sheets chart sparkline bar

The column chart:

google sheets chart sparkline column

The positive or negative chart:

google sheets chart sparkline winloss

Color of Sparkline Charts

The column chart in green:

google sheets chart sparkline column green

You can enter a color by its name (green) or by its hexadecimal value (#008000).

The curve chart in pink:

google sheets chart sparkline line pink

Here it is not necessary to specify the type since it is the default chart type:


Color of the Minimum and Maximum

The column chart with the minimum in red and the maximum in green:

google sheets chart sparkline column green red

Line Thickness

The curve chart with a thickness of 3:

google sheets chart sparkline thick line

Y Minimum and Maximum

The column chart with a defined Y range:

google sheets sparkline min max

Bar Chart with Maximum

The bar chart with a maximum defined at 400000:

google sheets sparkline bar max

To give the appearance of a sum, use a single color:

google sheets sparkline bar sum

The version with a single value and a maximum defined at 60000:

google sheets chart sparkline bar max

It is also possible to use functions to define the values of SPARKLINE parameters. For example, the maximum here is calculated using a function (then rounded to get a whole number):

google sheets chart sparkline max function

More Colors

A list of 729 colors that can be used with SPARKLINE is available here: list of colors

More Parameters

There are many other parameters to customize your Sparkline charts.

This list is available on Google's website: