Authorizing Scripts in Google Sheets

Before you can execute scripts in Google Sheets, you must (in most cases) authorize the scripts of the application you are using.

The principle is quite similar to an Excel file and its macros that you need to activate upon opening the file in order to use them.

Authorizing Scripts

If you try to run a script that requires authorization (and you have not already authorized scripts for this application), the following message is displayed:

google sheets authorization required

After clicking on OK, select your Google account:

google sheets authorization select account

Then click on Advanced:

google sheets validate application warning authorization

Next, click on Go to Untitled project (unsafe):

google sheets access application warning png authorization

And finally, click on Allow:

google sheets application permissions png authorization

If needed, you can revoke an authorization granted to an application from your Google account.

If it is a downloaded file and you do not necessarily trust the file's author, feel free to review the Apps Script code of the application for additional security before authorizing it.