Google Sheets Function: JOIN

The JOIN function combines the values from one or more cell ranges and allows defining a delimiter.


=JOIN(delimiter, range)


=JOIN(delimiter, range1, range2, etc)

Usage Example

To obtain a list of references separated by , , enter this delimiter and the cell range of references into the JOIN function.

The formula is:

=JOIN(", ",A2:A8)
google sheets join function cells
If you wish to ignore empty cells, use the TEXTJOIN function instead.

Combine and Sort

To display references in alphabetical order, use the SORT function to sort the references before combining them using the JOIN function.

The formula becomes:

=JOIN(", ",SORT(A2:A8))
google sheets join sort function

Combine and Filter

To display references with a quantity greater than 2, use the FILTER function to filter the references before combining them using the JOIN function.

The formula is:

=JOIN(", ",FILTER(A2:A8,B2:B8>2))
google sheets join filter function

And to filter + sort:

=JOIN(", ",SORT(FILTER(A2:A8,B2:B8>2)))
google sheets join filter sort function